Monday, March 15, 2010

Business Trip

Just got back from a business trip in Cali..It was tons of fun! I love going on these trips. Its so nice to be able to see the people that I do business with over the phone. And to meet new clients and to also see the dang interesting people that go to these shows!

For those of you that dont know, I work for a Silver Supplement company. Its my best friend dads company and its a blast working for them. I do sales for the company and about 9 times a year we go to different parts of the states to do promote the product at varies venues. We also go there to work with clients that we already have and so forth. Most of these conventions are health care conventions, just not your normal health care. They are all Natural products shows. We see some of the funniest people there! But there is a lot of good things at these shows. I love them. This one was in Cali like I mentioned before and It was so nice to get back home. The show kicked our butts and we are all tired but its all worth it. One of my favorite parts of these shows is meeting the people that we have helped with our product. This product has saved lifes and its so amazing the stories that come to us. Its such a great feeling to know that I am part of something that is of such importance to certain people in the world. I never realize how much we have halped people out there till they come to us and tell us. Such a fun time! We had some great food great laughs and plenty of random people to talk to. It was hard coming home. I miss Cali and any time I get to spend there I absolutly love! We spent some time down by the beach and its amazing. Its good to be home and to be able to get started on the new show that I'm in. I got tons of things to catch up on though and thats gonna be a pain but thats part of showbiz lol!
Until the next time later all!

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