Monday, October 4, 2010

Conference Weekend

Conference has become one of my favorite times of the year. So many wonderful things are said and taught and learned during the last 2 days of conference..

Saturday was a great day....mainly because one of my roommates is getting evicted and moving out..The last 2 months that he was here were just awful. He had no respect for anything o anyone in the apartment and he took some things from me while I was gone in Mexico that kinda put me over the edge..Did I mention that his girlfriend lived with us and lied about it for the last 2 months? Since when are 4 people allowed to live there? I don't remember that...I have missed some of my old roommates, but I do not miss this kid at all. He was a liar a cheat and stole what he could all the time...I really wish him the best but I feel bad for the next house he moves to. They were out of the apartment by around 9 o so. I didn't want to deal with them the day they left so I just stayed in my room. Most of the time you are asked to clean out your room and clean out the house before you leave, so that you can get your deposit back from the landlord, after they left I got up showered and checked out the apartment...they cleaned nothing...they cleaned out their room and put water in all the dishes that they left so that it looked like they did something...I'm sorry for my little rant but I just have no respect for these people...they basically came in and trashed and lied their way through the last 2 months of living with us...I didn't like it one bit..But after I showered I turned on conference and started cleaning the place..then I realized I really don't have much of anything to clean with..Our vacuum was broken and I needed cleaning supplies. So I went down to Walmart, found out I could get conference on my phone and went shopping. Bought things that I needed for the house and bought some of my own stuff as well. Then headed home and started some cleaning..I have now realized that some of my mothers insane cleaning ethic has rubbed off on her kids...I clean everything..not quite as well as she does but I do my best. The house looks really well..I had an extra fish tank lying around so I decided to set it up in the kitchen..I now have 3 tanks in the I know that's sad, but I love the fish! A well done tank can add a lot of beauty to a room. I spent basically most of the day cleaning the house, until priesthood session started..Six to seven hours of cleaning is way too much cleaning for anyone....EVER! But it was worth it, the apartment looks great!

I headed over to the Moellers house to drop off my car and head over to the session. I really think Priesthood Session is by far my favorite part of conference...Don't get me wrong I love all the sessions but the fact that Priesthood Session is directed solely at the men makes it more personal. I learn so much more from it..It was a wonderful session, so many great talks. So many great things that I can use to help better my life and those around me. After the session we all did our usual go to dinner at Wingers. Always a great time, great food people and just fun. After we went back to their house and played a few games and such. Katie was having a girls night out and sounded like she had a blast. Sunday sessions were just as good but there was one big difference to one of the sessions. Katie and me watched the last session of conference together. That's something that I have never actually done before, but it was so nice. I've always wanted to do more I guess you could say personal things with the person I'm dating and no one has really done that with me in the past. Having her there just meant the world to me. We enjoyed watching the last session, and look forward to reading all the talks when they come out. She came with me to my mission reunion as well and it was so nice having here there..She has been such a huge support to me in a lot of little things that she really doesn't have to do, but that mean a lot to me. It has been a such a good growing experience for us and everything. We met up later that night to go have a BBQ at the Moellers house...yes I do spend time with my family on this weekend, but they were coming home from Cali that day and weren't there. The BBQ was fun and it was just another great weekend, with some great friends, great lessons and most of all my wonderful girlfriend....things with us have been going really well....we haven't had the good times without the bumps in the road, but we have taking every one of those in stride and continued on. She really is such a wonderful blessing in my life and has taught me so many things. I really look up to her and I'm excited to see what our future has in store for us. I love you hun!

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