Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 4

Today was a pretty cool day as well. Woke up played games with Javi and headed to Baton for the parque de attracciones...Why it's called the park of attractions and not some cool name I have no idea. When we got there the place looked typical Spain...which is so cool! They have tons of random weird stuff that I love! We got settled in and got on some rides. The rides were all pretty cool but pretty short at the same time. Most of them lasted maybe a minute o less, but they were INSANE! one twisted and turned the whole time we were on it. One takes you straight up and then Shoots you in the air backwards. Loved it. My friend got a little sick so we chilled after that one and then decided to try a water ride...Did I mention that these water rides to everything they possibly can to make sure you leave completely soaking wet? The first one we did takes you right through a water fall at the end..Soaked. The next one drops you 15 feet into a pond...Soaked...But great fun non the less! I was kinda tired the whole day so I got bored pretty quick. The place was way fun though. What always interest me though is how different people here react compared to back in the states. People were taking off their shirst on rides, girls walked around in nothing but a bikinni, which I'm not gonna complain about, although there were a few that should of been approved to wear one before they did........but the people and rules here are so different.

I know I get ready to head home in less then 10 days but sometimes I feel like I'm here on my mission again and have another 2 years to go. mainly because I can't use my phone here o see Melinda, who I miss! Some days I just wanna go home o to a place where I can talk to her o my family. Oh well though, I remember the other night when we were at the ccm and realize welp those guys still have 7 weeks before they even get out of that building then another 21 months after that in Spain, and I feel better...horrible yes, but it works..Being in that building though gave me the feeling of the spirit more then I have anywhere else besides the temple in a long time. I missed that feeling. Being with the missionaries and talking to them after was just great fun. I can't wait till they get to go out and experience what I did for 2 years. Some days I felt just like I did today. I wanted to go home so bad and just be with familiar faces and places. Some days were like the other days of this trip, I loved being there and couldn't wait till the next challenge came my way. Helping the Lord find his lost sheep and letting him take my full self into his life. Hopefully they feel the same way...

Well until tomorrow night! After we go to a city I have never been to before! Super stoked for that!

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