Friday, May 7, 2010


Theater to me has always been interesting. The whole process has created a new world of stress for me and I love it!. I never thought I would get hooked like I have when I did my first show..I basically did the first one because my 2 of my friends were in a show that needed extra guys. Little did I learn that every show almost always needs extra guys. lol

Now here I am 3 years later rehearsing for my 20 show. It has been so fun and I've loved every minute of it. I've been given the chance to be in so many different shows and the character is almost always different. It's so fun to play someone different for a couple of months. I've been in classic shows Like 7 brides for 7 brothers, Beauty and the Beast, I was Aladdin for a couple of months which was amazing! I owe all my success and opportunities as an actor to my Directors, Music people, Stage people and everyone behind the scenes that make us all look good up on stage.

When it comes to the world of theater is often referred to as its own little world and mainly for one reason, and that's because it is its own little world. Once you step over the threshold of the stage you are thrown into a whole new world of Lights, Costumes, Dance routines, Countless lines, Blocking and the fun and stress of having to learn them all in a matter of a few months, usually about 6 weeks. Rehearsals are long tedious but at the finished product with a run that is usually 3 to 6 weeks you always leave wanting more. That doesn't even factor in the stress that most of us "theater" people go through waiting for our chance to audition then waiting for the next couple days to find out if we were good enough and impressed the directors and their staff for a callback, then the call backs are the last chance you get to impress not only the directors, but the chance to impress the choreographers by learning as much as you can a routine that's in the show in a matter of about 30 minutes. Usually its the hardest routine because they want to see how you move how quick you can learn and how you present. I hate that part, mainly cause I can't dance to save my life. lol. And the funny thing to me is that I usually get put in numbers that require you to be a good dancer o at least do what I'm told I do very well and that's fake it. Throughout these last 3 years I've very slowly started to learn how to dance and it really has been a fun experience.

I love when we get down to opening night and we get a chance to see how our hard work has paid off. We get to see the reactions from our audiences and bring a message to them that we have been drilling into ourselves for the last 2 months. Every movement is timed, choreographed and lighted to the teeth and basically we are just all out there doing what we love best. Performing. Being onstage is one of my favorite things to do. Such a great time seeing all the lights and people everywhere. Then after 10 sometimes 20 shows the run is over and most of us start with something new. The sad part is we usually lose contact with a lot of the people that were good friends in the show..We all go our separate ways and hardly ever see each other again. Sometimes this is really hard for me to do. Sometimes it's not hard at all.

That's one thing of the Theater world that I don't really like. It's a funny process to watch. The first day of auditions there are people making new friends and we all play nice to see who gets in and what happens. Then call backs roll around and more of us start being friends. Then the final cast is placed and we start the show and the friendships and back stabbings start to form. There we all are the first day of rehearsals were basically we all go into a room we get our scripts our schedules and we start to find out who got what part and all the little clicks start to happen. The leads usually spend the more time together away from the ensemble then anyone because they have so much more to learn and the ensemble spends all their time together learning all the songs and dances. Now about 3 weeks later the cast all gets together for blocking and running it all together. We do see each other a few times each week for music and so forth but for a lot of the shows I've been in we are each separate learning our own things till the blocking has to come together. And it never fails that there are always rumors going around. Or people are mad because they think they could of done better then the people that were cast in the lead roles.

I'll admit there have been some shows where I too have wondered if I could of done better then the leads that were picked and I usually come out dead wrong. But I keep it to myself. A team is only as good as its weakest member. There is no point in being involved o starting rumors, Not liking people cause they got the part over me o what not. The sad thing is that happens so much in theater. Just because someone got a part over someone else they automatically hate them, without even getting to know the person. And it sometimes can ruin a show. Its so sad to see and I try to avoid it at all costs. I love all the casts I've been in and while some have been better then others I try my best to stay away from the gossiping and the bad mouthing. The sad things is, is that it still happens and it hurts lots of people but usually just one. I hope that if we all get a chance to be in the theater world we avoid this at all costs. It's never worth it in the end.

1 comment:

  1. Although I love the performing, a big part of shows for me is the relationships we develop. And I completely agree about the cliques and the badmouthing / back stabbing. It's no good. Whenever I've been a lead, I've tried my best to show everyone else that I didn't consider myself any better than them. And when I wasn't, I did my best not to get involved in the "I could have done better than them" conversations. I hope that's how I've come across, anyway.
