Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Car Washes Are Cold

My story today takes us back to a time of sillyness when Mont was a little crazy. And no this wasnt 5 minutes ago. I'm still crazy and love doing "stupid" things.

Taylor, Me and Reece were coming back from swiming one day. This was like the week before I left on my mission. During that summer we tried to go swimming almost everyday, we did a lot of Mt. Biking and just did a ton of outdoors stuff. It was one of the funnest years of my life. We made tons of movies and just had tons of fun.

One day coming back from swimming in Tay's land crusier that we were borrowing for the summer from a guy in our ward, It started to rain, we were just getting off the freeway and it started pooring on us. Which was so lame! lol, but as we drove past our friendly neigbhorhood gas station, we looked at the car wash looked at each other, ran home grabbed the camera and headed back to the car wash.

Now many of you are probably thinking we are retarded for taking a land crusier through a car wash without the top on. Wouldn't that ruin all the inside of the car? Well we do think sometimes and thought of this and the cool part about this particular crusier is that the owner had taken everything out that could get ruined by water, mud, dirt and so on and replaced the whole inside with rhino liner. So whenever he took it out diggin o anything like that afterwords he would just spray the whole inside out.

So we walk into the gas station ask for a car wash and the girl at the counter gave us the "are you serious" look. It was funny, she gave us the ticket we drove around to the car wash enterance, and tried to figure out a way to set up the camera so it wouldn't get wet and would be able to catch the whole thing. A little red head kid was walking by at the time, so we asked him to stand there and push the little red button when we got back to the car and started the wash. He "did" and we started screaming as we were being blasted with cold soap hard water and so forth, it was actually pretty fun. The little kid at the camera was laughing his head off and there was a line of 6 o so cars behind us that had stopped to watch what was going one. Now we did the full car wash, so we got pre-soaked, soaped, washed like 4 times, soaped again, then washed again, then powerwashed, and then waxed. I highly recommend the closing of ones mouth if they are to do this. The wax wasnt as bad as we thought and it left us nice and glowey. The dryers sucked! They were so hot and blowey!

Now we finished the wash much to the delight of the smallish one that was filming us, thanked him and made some after show commentary. We got back to Tay's house turned on the camera and much to our dismay, there was the begining commentary, the end commentary but no middle. The little small one forgot to push the button and we had no proof of our really smart idea. Now the smart thing to do would be to hang our heads up high and know that we did it and no one could take that away from us. Sadly and really awesomely we are not those kinds of people! So we head back to the same car wash ask the same cashier for another ticket got the same look and laugh and went on our way. This time we pushed the button ourselves and made sure it was on. And we now have some dang funny film! I showed it at my Mission Farwell party and it was a huge hit. That and my grandpa who is a huge car buff trying to figure out what we were thinking.

So moral of the story, if thou desire to make funny video of car wash washing, do not ask passer byers to push little red button.

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