Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Whole New World

I love performing, wether it was on a sports field or on a stage I just love being out there hearing people cheer you on, or in a stage type clapping and watching your every movement.

The acting part didnt happen till recently, almost 3 years ago. I always wanted to try out for the school plays in highschool but I didnt think I was ever good enough to make one, that and I was super busy with football, rugby and basketball at the time. But I did like to sing and I was pretty good at it. I just needed more confidence. The 3 of us that sang and were on the football team always loved asking coach if we could leave practice early to go to a concert. It was pretty funny.

I sang every chance I could get on my mission and when I got home I wanted to find a way to keep it going, but wasnt quite sure how. When I went to UVU(UVSC at the time) I sang for the Acapella choir there for 2 years. That was a neat experience but I dont know if I'll ever do it again. It just didnt seem to be up to where I wanted to be. Which I know makes me sounds bad, but hey if you want to be good at something you want to make sure you get the best training right?

I was playing rugby at the time for UVU as well and was having a great time with the guys playing on the college level. Which is wow super different! The guys were much more insane and tough and it was fun being able to practice with them. Although I didnt get to see the light of our first game or any games during that season due to injury I still enjoyed being a part of the team. The injury came to be when I was playing hockey with my friends and co-workers that I was ready to head out and do summer sales with. We were playing at Classic Skating, which is a blast lol. But as I was skating down the rink with the puck a little kid on a scooter decided he was gonna cross the court, well he also decided to do this right in front of me. I tried to jump him but when I did he got scared and lifted up his scooter to so nicely of him take out my legs. Well I went to brace myself and I ended up looking down right as my elbow locked and I hit the ground. Now I know it may be shocking to some, but I've never done anything like this to myself before. And holy crap it hurt! I woke up the next morning in so much pain and later learned that I should of been sleeping sitting up, something that would of been nice to know, but hey I didnt go to the doctor so what can ya expect lol The pain never really went away for a few weeks so I ended up going to see my doctor friend that is in my ward. He sat me down did some stuff with my arm and came to the conclusion that I completely tore my rotator cuff out of place. FUN! Basically my shoulder will never be the same and it put me out of any kind of physical contact sport for a while. Well that was lame so I asked him what I could do to get myself back into playing shape again, he said just find something to keep you in shape and start working out little by little. As a waiter dealing with that and the pain sucked! but a couple of the waitresses that I worked with had recently tried out for a show down at a theater in provo called Center Street Musical Theater. They came up to me one day and wanted me to come to a rehearsal cause they needed more guys. So I though hey why not. I went down on the night of the rehearsal expecting to have to audition which I really wasnt excited for at all. But when I got there they asked me what my range was and handed me the music and I was now a part of the Pirates of Penzance crew. Little did I know that, that night would start me acting career I guess you could say. Also I had no idea how time consuming rehearsals could be lol. Long nights of dance, music, and blocking to put together a show. I had never really watched plays before, the only one I did an ex that I dated took me becuase her mom got us tickets to go see the guy she had set Aimee up on a date with while we were dating. I told my family and they were excited and chuckled a little at the thought of me doing choreography and things like that. To be honest so was I, many of my friends in school at the time were dancers and I made fun of them all the time. Now I'm doing basically the exact same thing. The cast and the show were a lot of fun. I was first assinged to play a pirate, and half way through rehearsals I was also made a police officer for the second act of the play. Those were way fun roles. I remember being super nervous opening night for the show and for me in general in the theater world. The runs went very smoothly and the show was a great success. I never really had any intention of audition for another show after but I was asked by the owners of the theater that I go to call backs for 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. So I did, they called me back for a brother but in the begining I made the show as a sutior, I was highlway thinking about dropping out because the show required lots of work for the sutiors only being on stage for maybe 10 minutes of a almost 2 1/2 hour show. I was at work one day thinking if it was worth the gas and drive time, when I reveived a call from the directors wife. She told me that there was a good chance one of the guys that was playing a brother would be dropping out due to taking another job up in Colorado. They asked me to take his place as Caleb in the show. It was a huge surprise and to this day I thank one of my now best friends Nate for giving me this opportunity. I would say that in this show is were I got hooked on acting. This was one of the hardest shows I have ever done but also one of the funnest. It took more time and effort then any I've done, but I learned so much and it was worth every second. Since August of 2007 I went from doing one show to doing I think I'm up to 18 now. And I've performed in 4 different theaters from this CSMT community theater to the Hale Theater in Orem. In various roles from a backswoods man to playing Aladdin in front of hundreds of kids every night. I've done Christmas shows, summer shows and fall shows. Now CSMT has been shut down for almost a year and while the theater itself is gone I will never forget the Grooms or what they did for me and so many others in Utah Valley. They are such an incredible family and gave so many people including myself an opportunity to go from never being on a theater stage before to performing in one of the top notch theaters in Utah. They always threw random and crazy things in front of me(being asked to join the B&B cast 3 weeks into the run of the show) but as I look back on it, it was all for my well being as a performer. Ive had some of the craziest moment in my life in theater and some of those memories I will take with me for the rest of my life. Thank you Gavin and Sharaliyn for everything you taught me and for all the wonderfull times you gave me. I'm donig a show right now and while its not one of my favorite shows I've really enjoyed playing the villian. I will be trying out for a show in a few weeks and I'm pretty stoked to see how it goes. Theater is now a part of my life and I look forward to every moment and every role I get. I've made some life long friends and I've been told I've changed the lifes of so many people.....I hope anyone that comes and sees one of my shows enjoys a great experience and will have a different look on theater life.

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