Tuesday, February 9, 2010

God did not want us to have this bonfire

I'll start off with what happened to a group of us over the weekend. We have been planning for a long time to have a huge bonfire. And by huge we mean one that would require us to aquire(through whatever means) as many Christmas trees as we could. Well I was never able to help out pick them up, but we ended up with something like 130 trees.

I had a show during the afternoon so i wasnt available to help set up the trees but when i got out there the trees were all nicely set up in a 30 foot circle. I asked why we hadnt started yet, and aparently a Police Officer had showed up and said we would all go to jail and be charged a 1000 dollar fine if we burned those trees. For reasons that made no sense to any of us. Especially since we had permision from the city to have the fire. The officer then told us that we had to clear out the tree or we would be charged a 250 dollar fine per tree. Lame! Its 11 at night and he wants us to get rid of the trees. Well the guys asked him if we could have some time to clear them out and he gave them till monday morning to do so. We ended up having a good time anyways with a sissy fire, made smores played some games and so on. On a side note i was quite stoked that my new little honda made it out there with no problems at all.

Most of us got home around 3 or 4 in the morning so waking up at 9 to head out there wasnt the ideal desire of most of us, but we sucked it up and did it anyways. So Chase, Taylor, Me, Cody, Adam, Ben, Willy, and Derik set out to the west desert to get the stupid trees we couldnt burn the night before. We get there and suprisingly with a bunch of us it only took about 40 minutes to get all the trees back in the trailers that we had brought down. We stopped after ate some donuts and chilled then got in the trucks and headed home, well a fire that happened the night before that the cops and fire department were putting out was on the way home and we wanted to stop and take a looksy. So Taylor and Myself, and Chase pull off the road onto the road that headed towards the fire, when Tay hit the breaks and yelled oh crap! well we got back on the road and headed north, well all i saw as we headed north was a truck that had rolled on the side of the road. We all thought it was our buddy Cody becuase he was also driving a dodge. Turns out that a truck that was behind us and not paying attention, hit Cody's trailer as he was pulling off the road which caused the other guy to flip his truck. It was insane! Even though I wasnt in the truck that was hit or the truck that rolled it was still a scary moment for me. We could of been dealing with someone that was seriously injured and needed to take action.

Luckily no one was hurt just a little freaked and we were all able to deal with the situation. The guy that hit the trailer was nice and sorry for not paying attention. His truck was a goner and so was the trailer. When he hit Cody he sheered off the trailer hitch completely and we still have no idea where it went. So after the cops came and checked out the damage Chase, Me and Tay headed to dump the trees. All in all it was an insane weekend were we still managed to have some fun.

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